Instructions for authors

It is the authors’ responsibility and obligation to submit original, proofread and spell-checked papers. Please ensure that the language used within the manuscript is appropriate for an academic publication. As it is important to us that the work of our authors maintains its originality, the submitted materials will be proofread in terms of syntax, spelling, grammar and punctuation alongside ensuring that adequate referencing has been employed. Authors are responsible for the proper use of terminology.

All materials submitted for publication MUST meet the following requirements. Please note that manuscripts that do not meet the journal’s requirements will NOT be considered for publication:

Manuscript Format: MS Word

Maximum length: articles – 15 standard pages; reviews – 3 standard pages

Margins (top, bottom, right and left): 2.54 centimetres

Alignment: Justified

Paragraph indentation: 1.25 centimetres

Font type and size: Times New Roman, 11 pt

Line spacing: Single

Manuscript structure and content

  1. Title of the paper: Font size: 12 pt; All Caps; Bold.
  2. Author’s (authors’) name(s) and surname(s): Font size: 11 pt; All Caps (for surname/s) Ital. Institutional affiliation and e-mail address: Font size: 11 pt; Italics.
  3. Title of the paper in English: Alignment: Left; All Caps; Font size: 10 pt; Bold.
  4. Author’s (authors’) name(s) and surname(s) in English: Alignment: Left; All Caps; Font size: 10 pt. 
  5. Abstract in English (no abstract is required for reviews): Alignment: Justified; Font size: 9 pt; Length: 200 - 250 words.
  6. Keywords in English: 7 - 10 keywords (not more than 10); Font size: 10 pt.

The academic text must contain the following basic parts: introduction, body and conclusion. Technical requirements: Font type and size: Times New Roman 11 pt; Line spacing: Single; Alignment:  Justified.

  1. FootnotesFont type and size: Times New Roman 10 pt; Line spacing: Single; Alignment: Justified.
  2. In-text citations:
  • Direct citations must contain the author’s (authors’) surname, the year of publication and page number in the language of the quoted source.

(Derrida, 1993, p. 31)

(Панова, 1980, с. 29)

  • Indirect citations must be referenced as follows:

Panova (1980) states that criticism is of extreme importance in decision making.

Citation of multiple publications by the same author in the same year: after the year of publication, with small letters (Cyrillic or Latin), no interval.

Example: According to Vasileva (2009b)…

  1. References: Font type and size: Times New Roman 10 pt; Alignment: Justified.

References must appear in alphabetical order of the authors’ surnames (beginning with the authors in Cyrillic). In case the same author is quoted more than once, the references must follow chronological order from the earliest to the latest publication. References should be put in a table as the one below.

Bibliographical units in script different from the Latin must be transliterated in Latin script according to the rules of the specific language. The transliterated titles must be put in brackets after the title in the original language.

The table below provides a model of the arrangement of the different types of bibliographical units (book, chapter, article, internet source), as well as their transliteration.

Ангелов, Б. (1971)

Сказание за железния кръст. // Старобългарска литература, кн. 1, с. 136 – 155. (Angelov, B. Skazanie za zheleznia krast. //Starobalgarska literatura, kn.1, s. 136 – 155.)

Станева, Хр. (2002)

Речник по българска стилистика. София: Хермес, 383 с. (Staneva, Hr. Rechnik po balgarska stilistika. Sofia: Hermes, 383 s.)

Трайков, В.  (2000)


Андрия Качич Миошич и Паисий Хилендарски. – В: Българи и хървати през вековете. Андрия Качич Миошич и българите. София: Гутенберг 2000, с. 65 – 72. (Traykov, V. Andria Kachich Mioshich i Paisiy Hilendarski. – V: Balgari i harvati prez vekovete. Andria Kachich Mioshich i balgarite. Sofia: Gutenberg 200, s. 65 – 72.)

Чермак, И. (2004)

Интернет и авторското право. // Littera et Lingua. Електронно списание за хуманитаристика,  кн. 1.  <> (23.09.2010). (Chermak, I. Internet i avtorskoto pravo. // Littera et Lingua. Elektronno spisanie za humanitaristika, kn. 1. <> (23.09.2010))

Bauman, Z.  (2008a)

Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 288 p.

Bauman, Z. (2008b)

The Art of Life. Cambridge: Polity, 208 p.

Bocale, P. (2013)

The interaction between morphology and pragmatics in polish. // Езиков свят, кн. 1, с. 19-39. (Bocale, P. The interaction between morphology and pragmatics in polish. // Ezikov svyat, kn. 1, s. 19-39.)

Chomsky, N. (1974)

Bemerkungen zum Anarchismus. – In: Chomsky, N. Aus Staatsraison. Frankfurt am Main:  Suhrkamp, S.104 –121.

Evangelou, I. (2009)

The Bulgarian translation of the Vita of St. Basil the New according to manuscript 20N in the Monastery of Sinai. – In: Scripta & E-scripta. Sofia: “Boyan Penev” Publishing center, р. 190 – 251.

Nida, E., Ch. Tabler (1982)

The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 218 р.

  1. Images: Photos should be in black and white, resolution: 300 DPI, the source of the photos must be mentioned. Copyright is responsibility of the author.

All submitted materials are reviewed independently by two anonymous reviewers.

Тhe acceptance of the  manuscripts submitted for publication depends on the reviewers’ recommendations.

The final decision concerning the publication of the submitted manuscripts is taken by the editorial board and the еditor-in-chief.

The publication of submitted materials does not entail that the editors support or advocate the views and opinions  expressed by the authors. The editors reserve the right to edit manuscripts when necessary.



All manuscripts must be submitted electronically to the editors at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The process of full double-blind peer-reviewing involves the following steps:

  • The paper is sent to two reviewers.
  • The reviewers decide whether or not: to recommend the paper for publication; to accept it after resubmission with the necessary changes.
  • For papers which require changes, the same reviewers are consulted about the quality of the revised paper.
  • A letter of confirmation is sent to the author(s).
  • The reviewing process takes maximum six months.


Copyrights for articles published in Orbis Linguarum (Ezikov Svyat) are retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. The publisher is not responsible for subsequent uses of the texts.